Understanding the ways in which some things are getting better helps to bring encouragement and insight to the big pile of things that remain to be done.
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Just One Thing

Simple Practices for Resilience and Happiness from


This week's JOT is all about seeing what's improving — and if you'd like to see more positive progress in your own mind, you may want to check out my Foundations of Well-Being yearlong program, which kicks off a new cohort in January. Each week you'll get new tools for changing your brain (and your life!) for the better, one strength at a time. If you sign up by December 13th, you can save 50%.

Are some things getting better?


See Progress.

—  Why?  —

There are always things that are getting worse. For example, over the past year, you probably know someone who has become unemployed or ill or both, and there’s more carbon in the atmosphere inexorably heating up the planet.

But if you don’t recognize what’s improving in your own life, then you feel stagnant or declining. This can foster what researchers call “learned helplessness” – a dangerously slippery slope. It typically takes only a few experiences of painful entrapment to create it but many times as many counter-experiences to undo it.

If you don’t recognize whatever is getting better in the people around you, then you might feel more disappointed or despairing than you need to feel – and they might feel not seen, criticized, or “why bother.”

If we don’t see the positive trends in our world amidst the negative ones – such as for many people, improved medical care and access to information, and less extreme poverty – then we’ll get swallowed up by all the bad news, and give up trying to make this world better.

This is not looking through rose-colored glasses. The point is to see life as it is, particularly your own life – including the progress that is occurring.

—  How?  —

Be aware of the little ways you move forward each day. Like getting to the bottom of a sink of dishes or to the end of a stack of emails. Knowing a little more when you go to bed than you did when you woke up. Earning a day’s wages, or a thank you, or a nod of respect.

Then consider a longer time frame: How have you moved forward over the past twelve months? What have you grown, built, and learned? What problematic things have you dropped?

See some of the many ways that your material circumstances are better than they were a year ago (no matter if they have worsened in other ways). Notice any shrubs that have grown, fences mended, new clothes acquired, more earning power, improved net worth.

See how things have improved in your relationships. To whom do you feel friendlier or closer or more trusting today than a year ago? And what’s gotten better in a different sense: stepping back from people who don’t treat you that well?

Recognize the sincere intentions, good efforts, and growing abilities in children you raise or teach, and in the people with whom you live and work.

Consider our sweet, soft planet. Given your values, what’s gotten better over the past 20 years? 50? 100? 1000? 10,000 years? Sure, we face unprecedented challenges. But all the major problems our ancestors had to solve were by definition unprecedented when they first appeared!

Would you rather deal with our global issues today . . . or – looking farther and farther back in time – with Dickensian levels of poverty and misery throughout the 19th century; with millennia of feudal lords, widespread slavery, and commonplace abuse of women and children; or with pervasive hunger and pain and violence in hunter-gatherer bands in which, as Thomas Hobbes put it, life was usually “nasty, brutish, and short”?

Personally, I’m tired of the widespread meme – “in these dark times” – however, it gets expressed. It’s ignorant, defeatist, and often used to further an agenda. Every time in human history has been dark in some regards – and bright in many others. In a hundred ways, daily life is better for the average person worldwide than it’s ever been.

Recognizing progress does not mean overlooking suffering and sorrow, misery and injustice. In fact, understanding the ways in which some things are getting better helps to bring encouragement and insight to the big pile of things that remain to be done.

We’ve got our work cut out for us. But to keep going we need to feel we’re making headway. Take heart: zigging and zagging, three steps forward and two steps back, slowly but surely, we can and will make our world a better place.

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Why We Don’t Change (and what you can do about it) with Dr. Ross Ellenhorn

Why does change feel so difficult, even when we desperately want it? Dr. Ross Ellenhorn joins us to explore our resistance to change, and the many good reasons we might have to stay just as we are. Forrest and Dr. Ellenhorn discuss the “fear of hope,” the allure of sameness, and what actually helps people develop the confidence to make meaningful changes in their lives.

Check out the Episode


Radical Equanimity and Wise Speech

Last week I offered a live meditation on Resting in Silence, followed by a talk on how to stay calm, centered, and connected—even when life’s chaos and challenges push your buttons., and I hope you'll check it out. 

If you haven't yet, sign up to join me every week for this free, live offering.

Check It Out



Scientists have recently discovered that time on the Moon is a bit of a trickster—it moves differently because of gravity and motion. Clocks there run about 56 microseconds faster each day, which might not sound like much, but it’s important for making sure astronauts don’t get lost while moonwalking!


Especially in early childhood, a child’s reactions to things are more a matter of the body than the mind. When the body is more settled, the reactions usually becomes less extreme, and it is easier for the child to think clearly, control themselves, and remember what their parent said! That’s why knowing how to settle their body down is vitally useful to a child.


If you're a clinician, you may want to check out this new app from my good friend and colleague Steven C. Hayes that will help you tailor your practice to the needs of your clients and communicate with them seamlessly to keep them motivated outside of session.

POSITIVE NEUROPLASTICITY TRAINING provides resources and real-life accounts for using positive brain change in your everyday life. Classes and one-on-one counselling are also available to deepen your learning.


Hardwiring Happiness

Beat the brain’s negativity bias with the power of positive neuroplasticity for lasting contentment, calm, and confidence. This New York Times bestseller is available in Hardcover, Paperback eBook, and Audiobook, wherever books are sold.

Get Your Copy


"Understanding the ways in which some things are getting better helps to bring encouragement and insight to the big pile of things that remain to be done."


JUST ONE THING (JOT) is the free newsletter that suggests a simple practice each week for more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind. A small thing repeated routinely adds up over time to produce big results.

Just one thing that could change your life.
(© Rick Hanson, 2024)

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