Good free stuff on enjoying life, thriving with ADHD, and getting motivated
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MindFull of GOOD


An Occasional Offering from Dr. Rick Hanson


The (real) Secret to Happiness: Attachment, Craving, and
Enjoying Life

"You can love from a standpoint of enjoying loving, and being motivated toward loving, without getting caught up in being lovesick."
– Dr. Rick Hanson

Forrest and Dr. Rick focus on the secret to everyday happiness: learning how to like without wanting. They talk about the lies our brain tells us, the rapid movement from liking to wanting, and how we can enjoy an experience without craving more of it. You won’t want to miss this one!

Watch/Listen to the Full Episode


How to ADHD


ADHD is one of the most common – and most misunderstood – conditions out there, and on this episode, we’re setting the record straight with author and YouTuber Jessica McCabe. Jessica joins Forrest to explore her journey with ADHD, dealing with common challenges like self-criticism, shame, and sensitivity, and how we can work with our unique brain, not against it.

Watch/Listen to the Full Episode


What happens with mindful eating?

Mindful eating would naturally down-regulate stress activation plus increase experiences of fulfillment and satiation that would reduce craving and thus suffering – of course via the various neural substrates of these mental processes.

The primary identified neural correlate of mindfulness – defined as sustained attention to something, typically with a meta-cognitive element of awareness of awareness (i.e., the Pali term for mindfulness, sati, has its root meaning in “recollectedness”) – is activation of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and related PFC executive control circuits that manage the deliberate control of attention.

"The term mindfulness sometimes is reduced to choiceless awareness, which is a common but serious error; choiceless awareness is simply a stance toward the stream of consciousness, and one can be mindful of both that stream and the stance much as one could be mindful of one’s golf swing, the flicker of expressions on the face of one’s partner, or what happens in the mind when one eats slowly and with focused attention."

When mindful attention is applied to eating, it’s very plausible that the insula would be activated, which handles interoception.

Mindful eating would plausibly affect the body by:
  • Down-regulating sympathetic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation, along with their related stress hormones; get benefits of less allostatic load
  • Up-regulate parasympathetic activation; benefits of relaxation
  • Strengthen ACC and related PFC circuits; benefits of improved attentional control and executive functions
  • Strengthen insula; benefits of improved self-awareness and empathy for emotions of others (insula does both)
  • Increase signaling to hypothalamus of visceral rewards received; benefits of reducing wanting and craving


How to Achieve Anything
(and have fun while doing it)

If you’re like most people, you probably used the new year as an opportunity to set new goals or start new habits. And if you're also like most people, those habits didn't stick. In this video, Forrest shares how we can use insights from neuroscience to achieve our goals, understand ourselves better, and enjoy life more.

Watch Now


The Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club

A diverse group of kind-hearted individuals gathers for breakfast regularly in Boston, and after each meal, they surprise their server with a generous tip, giving rise to the name "Thousand Dollar Breakfast Club."

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