Highly Sensitive People, Repairing with Family, and “Talking About Talking”
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MindFull of GOOD


An Occasional Offering from Rick Hanson, Ph.D.


Highly Sensitive People, Repairing with Family, and “Talking About Talking”: November Mailbag

"We can tend to get preoccupied with issues between other people in which we don't actually have a stake — we're just borrowing trouble for ourselves. That's something to consider."
– Rick Hanson
What can I do if my partner dominates conversations about our relationship? How can I navigate situations where I want to repair, but other people don’t? What’s a “highly sensitive person,” and how does it relate to conditions like complex PTSD, ADHD, and autism? On this episode, Dr. Rick and Forrest open up the mailbag and answer questions from listeners.


What Healthy Couples DON’T Do
with Dr. Amy Morin

On this episode of the Being Well Podcast, Therapist Amy Morin joins Forrest to help us learn how to regulate our thoughts, manage our emotions, and become more psychologically flexible.

Try it out: 1 Free Week of the
Foundations of Well-Being

If you've been curious about my yearlong course in lasting, positive brain change, you can now try out the first week for free! Just click here, and choose the "Try Week 1 Free" button to sign up and get started.


How can one find the strength to face challenges without loving relationships and family support?

First, I would suggest pushing yourself into situations in which you can form new good relationships of various kinds. Some of the best settings are low-key classes such as introductory ceramics and service projects in which good people come together in common cause.
"I’m a shy person myself and I get what is hard about actually taking this advice, but there is no replacement for it."
Second, there are many sources of resilient well-being that do not depend on relationships. My programs and writings get at this in-depth, and I suggest you check out Hardwiring Happiness in particular.

Third, even with limitations in human relationships and relative isolation, you can feel related to the natural world, and you can feel and focus on your own naturally warm and caring heart. Even if love is not flowing in, you can be fed by love flowing out.

At the Intersection of Mind and Climate Change
My friends Christine Wamsler and Jamie Bristow just authored a ground-breaking paper titled "At the intersection of mind and climate change: integrating inner dimensions of climate change into policymaking and practice," which concludes with policy recommendations to move from a vicious to a virtuous cycle of mind and climate change that supports personal and planetary wellbeing.
MindFull of Good is a free newsletter that highlights new and free content from Rick Hanson as well as other free offerings to fill yourself up with good.

Being Well, Inc., 25 Mitchell Blvd., Suite 3, San Rafael, California 94903, United States